Tips for Women Online Activists

“To build your movement: grow awareness, increase knowledge and co-create tools” As winners of the second Womanity Award with Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Mexican based Luchadoras and Sandía Digital are coordinating a new entity called Siemprevivas [“Always Alive”], the new name for the localization of the Take Back The Tech! campaign in Mexico. Siemprevivas […]
FILM: Women Take Back The Tech in Mexico

“There is a big empty space in which women have no access to technologies, just because they are women.” The Take Back The Tech! campaign recently celebrated 10 years of existence. That global campaign invites people to use technologies to combat online violence against women and for women to claim their participation in the development […]
Participate: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence

16 Day of Activism. Stop violence against women. As part of a joint campaign with the Womanity foundation and Wikigender organised for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we invite you to participate into two new and vibrant online discussions and webinars. Wikigender and the Womanity Foundation are partnering to lead a 2 […]
How to respond to online violence. A toolkit.

Online violence safety tips Sara Baker, global coordinator for the Take Back The Tech Campaign, shares with us a rich list of safety roadmaps, research references and toolkits to respond to online violence, protect yourself online and assist others who might need support. When women are attacked through ICT, their communication rights are at risk. […]
Take Back The Tech: 10 years of action on tech and gender violence

Take Back the Tech! Taking control of technology to end gender-based violence by Womanity Award winners APC’s Take Back the Tech team. Take Back the Tech! started as the seed of an idea in 2006, recognising the need to reclaim women’s historical contribution to technology development and to counter the growing expression of gender-based violence […]
Mexican women battle gender-based violence online

“Women are changing the conversation about harassment, and this is a big deal” “I was 11 and a guy riding a bicycle came by and squeezed my breast. A woman on the street blamed me for wearing that blouse.” This was just one of many thousands of similarly disturbing social media posts during Mexico’s biggest ever […]
How young women disrupt the silence surrounding Gender-Based Violence

The ICTforWomanity interview series focuses this week on video production. To cover this area, we are meeting with Amie Williams, an award winning producer/director specializing in documentary film and video for television. Amie is the Executive Director & Co-Founder of GlobalGirl Media (GGM), an organization that develops the voice and media literacy of teenage girls […]