Tips for Women Online Activists

“To build your movement: grow awareness, increase knowledge and co-create tools” As winners of the second Womanity Award with Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Mexican based Luchadoras and Sandía Digital are coordinating a new entity called Siemprevivas [“Always Alive”], the new name for the localization of the Take Back The Tech! campaign in Mexico. Siemprevivas […]
Mexican women battle gender-based violence online

“Women are changing the conversation about harassment, and this is a big deal” “I was 11 and a guy riding a bicycle came by and squeezed my breast. A woman on the street blamed me for wearing that blouse.” This was just one of many thousands of similarly disturbing social media posts during Mexico’s biggest ever […]
Take Back The Tech! Celebrating women and tech

Take Back The Tech! Technology responds to violence against women The Take Back The Tech! (TBTT) is a collaborative campaign to reclaim information and communication technology (ICT) to end violence against women. TBTT along with Luchadoras and La Sandía Digital from Mexico, recently won the Womanity Award for the Prevention of Violence Against Women. Lulú […]
Take Back The Tech! (Mexico) wins the 2016 Womanity Award for the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence

Womanity is proud to announce that the 2016 Womanity Award for the Prevention of Violence Against Women goes to the Take Back the Tech! (TBTT!) campaign in Mexico, led by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC, South Africa) and Luchadoras/La Sandía Digital (Mexico). The collaborative campaign, which addresses the wide-spread problem of online violence against women, enables […]