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International Women’s Day: Womanity’s Favorite Picks to Feel More Empowered!
International Women’s Day represents an opportunity to honor women’s accomplishments, raise awareness about gender inequalities, advocate for more global support...

A more equal 2023
Dear Womanity friends, As the new year starts, we reflect on the year gone by and look forward to a more equal 2023. ...

CEO Announcement
The Womanity Foundation has appointed Laura Somoggi and Shivani Gupta as its Co-CEOs We are pleased to announce that Laura...

Womanity Award 4 project Fla Sim pa Mudjer was officially launched in Cape Verde
The “Fla Sim pa Mudjer (Say Yes to Women, in English): Women together in the prevention of violence in Cape...

Say Yes to Women
How one organisation from Brazil and one from Cape Verde plan to raise awareness about women’s rights and access to...

Agents for Change: Working with couples and communities in Kenya to challenge power imbalances and prevent domestic violence against women and girls
Violence against Women and Girls is a rising issue, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, it is estimated that one...

Violence against women and girls, and in particular domestic violence, is a major global issue. One in three women globally...

Statement by Yann Borgstedt, Founder, The Womanity Foundation
We are deeply concerned about the safety and freedom of women and girls in Afghanistan, especially with regards to the...

Our journey with ARMMAN started in 2017 when ARMMAN’s founder, Dr. Aparna Hegde, became a WomenChangeMakers Fellow with The Womanity...

A window to the outside world
SOWCoders Bootcamp, 8th – 23th February 2020 At Womanity we strongly believe that technology catalyzes connections, helps overcome physical and geographical boundaries...

TecnoLovers: Luchadoras new web series on women and technology
TecnoLovers: Luchadoras new web series This weekend, Womanity Award recipients Luchadoras, a feminist organisation in Mexico, are launching a web...

Industree Foundation awarded the White House Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Fund
Industree awarded the White House Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Fund The White House-led Women’s Global Development and Prosperity...

Girls Can Code at World Summit on the Information Society
Written by Lea Dettwiler, Programme Assistant Girls Can Code and Valentina Di Felice, Head of Impact and Learning. —- Girls...

Balance for Better: Laura Somoggi
“We find organisations that have implemented innovative projects that tackle gender-based violence” As part of our International Women’s Day blog...

STEM for gender equality
Balance for Better: STEM for gender equality Globally, women are underrepresented in STEM. According to UNESCO, just 29% of those...

Balance for Better: Girls Can Code
As part of our International Women’s Day blog series, we have interviewed some of the brilliant people that make our...

Balance for Better: investing in women entrepreneurs
“I’m out.” The dreaded phrase we hear time and again watching Dragons Den from the comfort of our sofas. Launching...

Balance for Better: Neelam Chhiber, social entrepeneur
As part of our International Women’s Day blog series, we have interviewed some of the brilliant people that make our...

Balance for Better: Maysoun Odeh, Founder of Radio Nisaa
As part of our International Women’s Day blog series, we have interviewed some of the brilliant people that make our...

Radio Nisaa: Let’s hear the women!
For women in the MENA region, pushing back against unrealistic or harmful gender stereotypes in media has long been a...

Balance for Better: Disruptive Media
As part of our International Women’s Day blog series, we have interviewed some of the brilliant people that make our...

Balance for Better: Storytelling in the fight for equality
At Womanity Foundation, addressing gender injustice issues is front and centre of what we do. We also firmly believe that...

Balance for Better: Collaboration for gender equality
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #BalanceforBetter. At Womanity, “balance” underpins all of our work. To mark International Women’s Day, we...

Fashion for Good
Fashion is big business. The number of garments produced globally exceeded 100 billion for the first time in 2014 (McKinsey...

Media coalition to tackle gender inequality in the Middle East
In December, Womanity hosted an event that brought together influencers from across the media sector to discuss “Digital Media and...

Luchadoras new campaign to tackle online violence
Womanity supports La Clika, a campaign to tackle online violence This International Day of Education, Luchadoras, La Sandía Digital and...

WOW Festival Brazil delivers the WOW Factor
A woman is murdered every 2 hours in Brazil. This was just one of the many shocking facts I learned...
How to reduce gender inequality in 4 steps
4 steps to crack gender equality through coding in Afghanistan “I really like coding. I always wanted to know how...

Yann Borgstedt wins Philanthropy Prize for innovative work with women
Yann Borgstedt, wins the Global Philanthropic Philanthropy Prize 2018 Yann Borgstedt, Founder and President of the Womanity Foundation, has been...

Womanity Award 2018: Safer urban environments for women – Winners announced
A ground-breaking women’s safety app partnership has won the global Womanity Award 2018 at Tech4Dev UNESCO Conference, Lausanne SafetiPin and...

Womanity Award – India’s cities safe for girls and women
Making India’s most dangerous cities safer for girls and women Plan India successful programme ‘Safer Cities for Girls’ has seen...

Womanity Award – Safer cities and housing for women in Uruguay
Safer cities and housing for women in Uruguay Col.lectiu Punt 6 (Point 6 Collective) from Spain and the Instituto Mujer...

Womanity Award – Safer streets for South African women
Safetipin Apps – Safe city routes for women in South Africa Womanity Award finalist Safetipin, a social enterprise based in...

Womanity Award 2018 finalists: Safer cities for women
Safer cities for women: the finalists Since the emergence of the #MeToo hashtag in 2017, the disturbing reality of the...

Women’s Empowerment, “B100Ragl” Season Three
“B100Ragl” series three. Women empowerment for millennials 8 April 2018, Dubai, UAE – “B100Ragl”, (“Be Yourself”) returns this week with...

I’m proud to be an Agent of Change… will you join me?
Empower women, become an Agent of Change by Yann Borgstedt, founder of the Womanity Foundation, included in the prestigious Management...

Happy International Women’s Day! #IWD2018 #womensday
Womanity Foundation’s commitment to women’s empowerment: 2018 By Rafia Qureshi, Director, Womanity The last 12 months brought about many remarkable...

Giving Tuesday to end violence against women
Giving Tuesday. Help Womanity end violence against women Thank you very much for your generosity on Giving Tuesday, we’ve extended...

New generation of WomenChangeMakers Fellows in India and Brazil
Welcome the new WomenChangeMakers Fellows The flagship program, which helps social entrepreneurs become a catalyst for large-scale social change for...

Womanity Annual Report 2016 – Accelerating progress
“I was learning to code and felt so empowered” Sometimes a simple remark tells us so much. After completing the...

Call For Nominations Womanity Award 2018 – NEW DEADLINE
Do you know organizations creating safer urban environments for women? It is our great pleasure to announce that nominations are...

Tips for Women Online Activists
“To build your movement: grow awareness, increase knowledge and co-create tools” As winners of the second Womanity Award with Association...

Women’s Day: Aurelia Ovan
WOMEN’S DAY: AURELIA OVAN, QUIET FORCE AND WOMANITY’S PILLAR … Womanity: Who are you, Aurelia, and what made you work...

Valentina Di Felice #BoldForChange
Valentina Di Felice – Women’s Day Valentina is Womanity’s Head of Operations. Since 2010, she has contributed to design, shape...

Womanity stages creative disruptions at Geneva Book and Media Fair
Womanity at the 2017 Geneva Book and Press Fair The Womanity Foundation has convened intrepid writers, journalists and activists to...

Tiana Vilar Lins #BoldForChange
TIANA VILAR LINS – WOMEN’S DAY Tiana Vilar Lins joined Womanity in 2014 and runs its WomenChangemakers Program in Brazil,...

Design “B100 Ragl” Season 3
How to design an animated fiction series “We brought together a stellar pool of talent and expertise of illustrators, designers,...
Girls Can Code And Girls Should Code in Afghanistan!
My experience as a Technical Supervisor of The Womanity Foundations’ ” Girls Can Code” Program, IT Expert, consultant and lecturer Every...

Tech needs women
Why we need women in tech by Antonella Notari Vischer, Valentina Di Felice and Servane Mouazan To increase cross-sectoral productivity...

Join Womanity to celebrate #UniversalHumanity
Today, on 8th March 2017, as we mark International Women’s Day, Womanity joins forces with Thomas Iser, a contemporary artist, to launch the...

Women's Day – Bold For Change
Celebrate with us The International Women’s Day! We are Bold For Change In the past 11 years, Womanity has developed...

How to mobilize communities to end violence against women
During this #ICTforWomanity series interview, we talk with Shruti Kapoor about crowdsourcing and neighborhood mobilization and how they are a...

Servane Mouazan Women's Day
Women’s Day: Servane Mouazan, women’s advocate Servane is closely supporting the Womanity Award winners Abaad, Promundo, Luchadoras and APC, in...

WomenChangeMakers: scaling social enterprises to boost women’s emancipation
Women everywhere are still struggling to reach economic autonomy, even if they work longer hours than men when we consider...

Giving purposefully, receiving plentifully
Give! The philanthropist motto By Yann Borgstedt, philanthropist, founder and chairman of the Womanity Foundation What does the word ‘give’...

FILM: Women Take Back The Tech in Mexico
“There is a big empty space in which women have no access to technologies, just because they are women.” The...

Film: Gender equality in the Middle-East
How to change gender stereotypes Programme Ra discusses gender with young men living in Lebanon – including host and refugee...

Combatting Online Violence Against Women – Webinar
As part of a joint campaign with Wikigender organised for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (2016), Womanity co-hosted an online...

Dona Bertarelli supports Womanity with new book
Dona Bertarelli supports Womanity with her new book “J’ai osé” It is with great honour that the Womanity Foundation announces...

Participate: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence
16 Day of Activism. Stop violence against women. As part of a joint campaign with the Womanity foundation and Wikigender...

How to respond to online violence. A toolkit.
Online violence safety tips Sara Baker, global coordinator for the Take Back The Tech Campaign, shares with us a rich...

Take Back The Tech: 10 years of action on tech and gender violence
Take Back the Tech! Taking control of technology to end gender-based violence by Womanity Award winners APC’s Take Back the...

Afghanistan's female coders defy gender stereotypes
Meet Afghanistan’s female coders who are defying gender stereotypes by Kirstie Brewer, The Guardian contributor In a country where just...

How simple mobile apps can help women's organizations grow their impact
Women’s groups or organizations working on gender based violence need simple yet efficient tools to measure their impact and improve...

5,000 Female Construction Workers Change Brazil’s Landscape
By Antonella Notari Vischer You can find the original article on the Huffington Post website In the small city of Canoas, Brazil,...

Love, Acceptance, and Support on the Path to Gender Equality in Lebanon
Estephan “Tino” Bechara is a young man working with the Red Cross in Lebanon as a Youth and Health Trainer....

Helping Lebanese Men and Boys Break Out of the “Box”
How to address the causes of domestic violence in Lebanon In July 2016, Lebanese NGO ABAAD–Resource Center for Gender Equality and Promundo...

"Cement and Lipstick"- Crowdfunding Campaign
Help more women in construction In 2013, WomenChangeMakers (WCM) Fellowship was awarded to Bia Kern, founder of the organization Mulher em...

Champions of Programme RA: Working with young men in Lebanon
In July 2016, Lebanese NGO ABAAD–Resource Center for Gender Equality and Promundo launched Programme Ra in Beirut with support from...

A new code for girls' futures in Afghanistan
By Claudia Cahalane and Antonella Notari Vischer A short version of this blog was published on 26 September 2016 on...

Women’s Empowerment Champions from India Attend Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting
Mrs. Bijal Brahmbhatt of Mahila Housing Trust (MHT) and Mrs. Ajaita Shah of Frontier Markets, who provide dignified habitats and...

Womanity Award winners Promundo to partner with AXE for positive manhood
Promundo is proud to announce their new partnership with AXE to bring a message of positive, healthy, supportive manhood to...

The power of “Catalytic philanthropy”: From individual empowerment to systemic change
Research has repeatedly demonstrated that empowering girls and women significantly accelerates progress in developing economies, and that by nurturing women’s...

Mexican women battle gender-based violence online
“Women are changing the conversation about harassment, and this is a big deal” “I was 11 and a guy riding...

One nonprofit's surprising journey to teach girls how to code in Afghanistan
BY KATIE DUPERE You can find the original article on the Mashable website Inside a hot-pink classroom glowing with sunlight, 20 teen...

Yann Borgstedt – A philanthropist in a Woman’s World
A philanthropist in a Woman’s World The content of this story is based on an interview with successful entrepreneur turned...

ICTFORWOMANITY Network | August Update
Helping Women Empower Themselves INTERVIEW | Hera Hussain: Helping Women Empower Themselves Hera Hussain founder of Chayn, speaks to Womanity...

Take Back The Tech! Celebrating women and tech
Take Back The Tech! Technology responds to violence against women The Take Back The Tech! (TBTT) is a collaborative campaign...

Hera Hussain – Chayn – Tech to Empower Women Against Violence and Oppression
Chayn Empower Women Against Violence and Oppression. We are talking this week to Hera Hussain, founder of, a global...

“Programme Ra” redefines manhood in Lebanon
Programme Ra: Redefining manhood in Lebanon The 2014 Womanity Award winners’ new programme, designed to redefine manhood and reduce violence,...

Annual Report 2015
Womanity 2015. Enhancing the lives of women and girls What impact is The Womanity Foundation having on the lives of women...

Womanity Foundation, a world’s Top 200 NGOs
Womanity enters Top 200 NGOs The Womanity Foundation rose to the 187th position of the recently released Top 500 NGOs’ 2016...

The business of unlocking women’s potential
By Antonella Notari Vischer You can find the original article on The Economist website The undeveloped capabilities of women hold huge...

How fiction and ‘edutainment’ can be used to empower women
Fiction that empowers women It’s not the first thing you might think of when it comes to empowering women and...

Womanity Foundation Launches Ground-Breaking " Be 100 Ragl" Animated Series
Be 100 Ragl II. The fiction that empowers women Building on the popularity of the “Be 100 Ragl I” radio...

Feminism in India: simple tech gives women a voice
News media and Feminism in India This week the ICTforWomanity network takes us to India to discover Japleen Pasricha, a...

How young women disrupt the silence surrounding Gender-Based Violence
The ICTforWomanity interview series focuses this week on video production. To cover this area, we are meeting with Amie Williams,...

Womanity President Yann Borgstedt: "I felt that life had given me so much, I had to give back"
“I had so much, I had to give back” Womanity President Yann Borgstedt has been awarded the 2016 BNP Paribas...

Yann Borgstedt, founder of Womanity, receives the BNP Paribas Award for Individual Philanthropy (Special Jury Prize) 2016
Empower women to accelerate progress (Geneva, Tuesday 31 May 2016) – Last night, at a gala dinner in Paris, BNP...

Ceri Hayes: Guidance for ICT Programs Preventing Violence Against Women
This week, Womanity Award Manager Servane Mouazan interviews Ceri Hayes, director at GenderMatters. Ceri shares what ICT based organisations need...

Take Back The Tech! (Mexico) wins the 2016 Womanity Award for the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence
Womanity is proud to announce that the 2016 Womanity Award for the Prevention of Violence Against Women goes to the...

Skillz-Breakaway: an online soccer game used to fight gender based violence
By Claudia Cahalane. In a scenario which sounds like it’s been plucked straight out of Grand Theft Auto, the online...

Tactical Tech Educates Women's Rights Advocates on Online Safety
by Claudia Cahalane Nataly works for a women’s rights organisation in the Caucasus, on the border of Europe and Asia....

Can an app tackle domestic violence in Somalia?
by Claudia Cahalane. A Somalian NGO is hoping technology will help women be safer in their homes, where domestic violence...

Nisaa Network, the First Multimedia Platform for Arab Women
Nisaa Network, the multi-media platform empowering women Nisaa Network’s brand new website is the central platform of a consortium of...

Pushing back against sexism: a new era for women online
by Claudia Cahalane. At the end of 2014, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube were all given an ‘F’ grade for the...

How stories of abuse contribute to prevent violence against women
This week, as part of our #ICTforWomanity interview series, Womanity talks to Elsa DSilva, the Founder and Managing Director of...

The positive gains of teaching girls to code in Afghanistan By Elizabeth Rector
Elizabeth Rector is The Womanity Foundation program leader for Girls Can Code in Afghanistan, teaching high school students to code....

How can tech put sexual assault survivors back in control
As part of our ICTforWomanity interviews, we talked to Jessica Ladd, founder of Callisto. A victim of sexual assault herself,...

Yann Borgstedt: Speaker and Judge at MIT Start-up Forum Conference in Saudi
Yann Borgstedt, Founder of Womanity, was speaker and judge at the conference Time to Invest in Arab Youth and Their...

A life after gender violence: how you can "stand tall"
As part of our ICTforWomanity interviews, we talked to Esther Marshall, founder of sTandTall, an initiative that helps women and...

Yann Borgstedt: Winner of the BORN Awards 2016
Yann Borgstedt, Founder of Womanity, was awarded the Social Impact Prize at BORN Awards 2016. “You have to have the humility...

What Online Harassers Really Want – Q&A with Nighat Dad of Digital Rights Foundation
Nighat Dad, Executive Director of Digital Rights Foundation based in Pakistan, answers our questions about online harassment, a growing form of violence...

Program H: 6 Key Take-Aways from Learning Visits with Promundo Brazil
What does it take for men and boys to reflect about manhood? In the past decades, many women’s rights advocates...

In conversation with Yann Borgstedt, Founder of Womanity Foundation
Meet Womanity founder Yann Borgstedt, and find out why he set up Womanity to address the needs of women and...

TIME's "The Secret War Crime" Highlights Promundo's Living Peace Initiative as Part of the Effort to Prevent Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
This week, Womanity Award winners Promundo shared they were “humbled to be mentioned in TIME’s cover story “The Secret War...

If she can see it, she can (more likely) be it
Article from Thompson Reuters Foundation by Antonella Notari Vischer. Girls attend a class at their school in a village outside Yemen’s capital...

How ICT's Can Help Prevent Violence Against Women – Online Event
The ICTforWomanity network’s first public event will take place during the Global Tech Women Voices Conference, a public online session...

Many thought ours was a mission impossible…
Starting a women’s radio station for the Arab world might have seemed ambitious. But nearly six years on, it’s going...

Can Media and ICTs End Violence Against Women?
A recently published BBC article on the role of feminism in mainstream media illustrates the role that media can play...

The Womanity Foundation celebrates 10 years of global action to empower women and girls
The Womanity Foundation’s upcoming gala, on 4 February 2016, in Geneva, will focus on the role of media for empowering...

2016 Womanity Award Finalists Announced
Tackling violence against women through ICTs is a cornerstone of Womanity’s work in 2016. By convening actors driving innovation to...

Two Ground Breaking Social Entrepreneurs Join The Womenchangemakers Fellowship In Brazil
The Womanity Foundation is proud to announce its two newly selected WomenChangeMakers (WCM) Fellows in Brazil: Anke Riedel of Casa...

Welcoming New WomenChangeMakers Fellows in India
The Womanity Foundation is proud to announce its newly selected WomenChangeMakers (WCM) India Fellows and WCM Associate Fellow after last month’s...

Ghida Anani’s Bold Quest for Gender Equality in the Middle East
Ask any of her staff and they will tell you that Ghida Anani is a mission-driven social entrepreneur, a strategic...

How to change from a gender-justice advocate, to an internet rights activist
This week we interview Sara Baker, global coordinator of Take Back the Tech!Take Back the Tech! is a campaign of...

7 Missed Opportunities in Using Tech to Fight Violence Against Women
Piece by Hera Hussain originally published in ICTworks “Technology is a key piece in preventing and ending violence against women....

First Palestinian Receiving the Schwab Award
Maysoun Odeh Gangat, Managing director of Radio Nisaa, awardee of the Schwab award for social entrepreneurs, recently received a scholarship...

Empowering Women Since 2005
This year, Womanity celebrates a decade of innovation, collaboration, and learning for women and girls’ empowerment around the world. We are proud...

Learning Lessons, Improving Impact – Annual Report 2014
Learning Lessons, Improving Impact – Annual Report 2014 2014 proved a pivotal year in Womanity’s work empowering women and girls...

Womanity In New York City
To celebrate its 10th anniversary the Womanity Foundation brought together a community of friends, partners and potential partners in New...

Changing the conversation without changing the channel
News channels are bringing us bleak stories. From terrorism to train derailments, from earthquakes to economic downturns, we have come...

When a man loves a woman
One in three women will experience violence in her lifetime. So much time, talent, and effort have been committed to...

It's All in the Connections: Changing the World With Women One Call at a Time
By Yann Borgstedt and Antonella Notari Vischer As published on Huffington Post 04/24/2015 ( Men and women need to join...

How we made it into the Top 500 NGOs
The WomanityFoundation enters the 2015 Top 500 NGOs ranking. Yann Borgstedt, founder andchairman, tells us what he believes makes for...

Aya Mostafa, a woman “worth 100 men” , with a story to tell.
Not every day does one meet a woman you can call “worth 100 men”, a woman who has courageously refuted...

Womanity Award Launch
The Womanity Foundation hosted a debate on the role of men and boys in ending gender-based violence On the occasion...

“Be 100 Ragl” (Worth 100 Men) – Arabic radio fiction series sparks discussions on women’s role in society
By Noora Sharrab, Social Media Coordinator, “Be 100 Ragl”, and Antonella Notari Vischer, Executive Director, The Womanity Foundation Harnessing the...

Lunch event on the new man: a feminist?
The Womanity Foundation, Giving Women and JP Morgan host a lunch conversation with Dr Gary Barker on the role of...

Nancy Ajram’s latest hit speaks to women’s courage and worth, and is chosen as theme song to the forthcoming radio...

Yale highlights Womanity partner Radio Nisaa (Radio Woman)
Yale highlights Womanity partner Radio Nisaa (Radio Woman) Blog for Womanity • Yale highlights Womanity partner Radio Nisaa (Radio Woman)

Advancing Girls' Education in Afghanistan
“Women who have undertaken an educational path are more likely to send their children to school… They can work and...