Women's Day – Bold For Change

Women's Day - Bold For Change

Celebrate with us The International Women’s Day!  We are Bold For Change In the past 11 years, Womanity has developed innovative approaches that empower women and girls to become active contributors of their society. Investing in women helps them to attain their own – often neglected – legitimate human rights and effectively produces positive ripple […]

Servane Mouazan Women's Day

Servane Mouazan Women

Women’s Day: Servane Mouazan, women’s advocate Servane is closely supporting the Womanity Award winners Abaad, Promundo, Luchadoras and APC, in their efforts to prevent violence against women. Womanity: Who are you Servane and how did you come to collaborate with Womanity? Servane Mouazan: I am a social entrepreneur, an enthused women’s advocate and social justice […]