Mexican women battle gender-based violence online

“Women are changing the conversation about harassment, and this is a big deal” “I was 11 and a guy riding a bicycle came by and squeezed my breast. A woman on the street blamed me for wearing that blouse.” This was just one of many thousands of similarly disturbing social media posts during Mexico’s biggest ever […]

2016 Womanity Award Finalists Announced

Tackling violence against women through ICTs is a cornerstone of Womanity’s work in 2016. By convening actors driving innovation to prevent violence against women through the Womanity Award for the prevention of Violence Against Women, the foundation will provide three-years of support to two Awardees who will scale-up a successful innovation in a new context. […]

How to change from a gender-justice advocate, to an internet rights activist

How to change from a gender-justice advocate, to an internet rights activist

This week we interview Sara Baker, global coordinator of Take Back the Tech!Take Back the Tech! is a campaign of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) Q: How did Take Back the Tech! get started and how has it evolved? APC has a women’s rights program that focuses on several different areas related to tech […]