Balance for Better: investing in women entrepreneurs

“I’m out.” The dreaded phrase we hear time and again watching Dragons Den from the comfort of our sofas. Launching a new business is not easy. It takes time, hard work and grit. As a female entrepreneur it’s even tougher. In 2017 female founders received just 2% of venture capital dollars, despite women-led businesses growing […]
Balance for Better: Neelam Chhiber, social entrepeneur

As part of our International Women’s Day blog series, we have interviewed some of the brilliant people that make our work at Womanity possible. Industree Foundation was selected as a WomenChangeMaker (WCM) in 2013. In this interview, we hear from their founder Neelam Chhiber on what she has learnt from the WCM programme, and on […]
"Cement and Lipstick"- Crowdfunding Campaign

Help more women in construction In 2013, WomenChangeMakers (WCM) Fellowship was awarded to Bia Kern, founder of the organization Mulher em Construção (MEC), in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil. This month, she launched her crowdfunding campaign to enable 20 women from modest or disadvantaged backgrounds to work in the civil engineering sector. […]