Tips for Women Online Activists

“To build your movement: grow awareness, increase knowledge and co-create tools” As winners of the second Womanity Award with Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Mexican based Luchadoras and Sandía Digital are coordinating a new entity called Siemprevivas [“Always Alive”], the new name for the localization of the Take Back The Tech! campaign in Mexico. Siemprevivas […]
Take Back The Tech: 10 years of action on tech and gender violence

Take Back the Tech! Taking control of technology to end gender-based violence by Womanity Award winners APC’s Take Back the Tech team. Take Back the Tech! started as the seed of an idea in 2006, recognising the need to reclaim women’s historical contribution to technology development and to counter the growing expression of gender-based violence […]
Love, Acceptance, and Support on the Path to Gender Equality in Lebanon

Estephan “Tino” Bechara is a young man working with the Red Cross in Lebanon as a Youth and Health Trainer. He participated in the first validation workshop of Programme Ra with other young men. In July 2016, Lebanese NGO ABAAD–Resource Center for Gender Equality and Promundo launched Programme Ra in Beirut with support from the Womanity Foundation’s first-ever Womanity Award. The program, […]
Helping Lebanese Men and Boys Break Out of the “Box”

How to address the causes of domestic violence in Lebanon In July 2016, Lebanese NGO ABAAD–Resource Center for Gender Equality and Promundo launched Programme Ra in Beirut with support from the Womanity Foundation’s first-ever Womanity Award. Hussein Safwan provides psychosocial support services as part of ABAAD’s Women and Girls Safe Spaces (WGSS) Program in Choueifat, Lebanon. In the following interview, Hussein speaks […]
Mexican women battle gender-based violence online

“Women are changing the conversation about harassment, and this is a big deal” “I was 11 and a guy riding a bicycle came by and squeezed my breast. A woman on the street blamed me for wearing that blouse.” This was just one of many thousands of similarly disturbing social media posts during Mexico’s biggest ever […]
Hera Hussain – Chayn – Tech to Empower Women Against Violence and Oppression

Chayn Empower Women Against Violence and Oppression. We are talking this week to Hera Hussain, founder of, a global platform that empowers women against violence and oppression. Chayn means “Solace”, “Peace” in Urdu. Chayn is also an award-winning, open-source project that leverages technology to empower women against violence and oppression so they can live […]
“Programme Ra” redefines manhood in Lebanon

Programme Ra: Redefining manhood in Lebanon The 2014 Womanity Award winners’ new programme, designed to redefine manhood and reduce violence, will reach young men in refugee and marginalized communities in Lebanon. “Boys are raised to think that expressing emotions openly, seeking help, or failure to respond in a dominant manner means they are weak.” — […]
Ceri Hayes: Guidance for ICT Programs Preventing Violence Against Women

This week, Womanity Award Manager Servane Mouazan interviews Ceri Hayes, director at GenderMatters. Ceri shares what ICT based organisations need to think about when developing programmes that seek to prevent violence against women. SM: Ceri, what do you specialise in and how does gender matter based on the work you have done in various places […]
Take Back The Tech! (Mexico) wins the 2016 Womanity Award for the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence

Womanity is proud to announce that the 2016 Womanity Award for the Prevention of Violence Against Women goes to the Take Back the Tech! (TBTT!) campaign in Mexico, led by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC, South Africa) and Luchadoras/La Sandía Digital (Mexico). The collaborative campaign, which addresses the wide-spread problem of online violence against women, enables […]
Tactical Tech Educates Women's Rights Advocates on Online Safety

by Claudia Cahalane Nataly works for a women’s rights organisation in the Caucasus, on the border of Europe and Asia. The organisation provides services and safe spaces for women in troubled situations. It also campaigns against gender-based violence. Knowing that the web was becoming a key way for women to find out about community events […]