CEO Announcement

The Womanity Foundation has appointed Laura Somoggi and Shivani Gupta as its Co-CEOs We are pleased to announce that Laura Somoggi and Shivani Gupta have been appointed co-CEOs of the Womanity Foundation as of June 2022. Laura and Shivani had acted as co-CEOs since the exit of our former CEO Rana Askoul in April 2022. This […]
Women’s Day: Aurelia Ovan

WOMEN’S DAY: AURELIA OVAN, QUIET FORCE AND WOMANITY’S PILLAR … Womanity: Who are you, Aurelia, and what made you work for Womanity? Aurélia Ovan: I have a Master in sociology and have worked for the Womanity Foundation almost since its creation. I am an optimist by nature, a quiet force able to handle many complex […]
Womanity stages creative disruptions at Geneva Book and Media Fair

Womanity at the 2017 Geneva Book and Press Fair The Womanity Foundation has convened intrepid writers, journalists and activists to a roundtable discussion on “Arab Women and the Media: A Cultural Revolution” on 27 April 2017 from 3 to 4:30 pm in the Arab Cultures’ Pavilion at the Geneva Book and Press Fair held at […]
Dona Bertarelli supports Womanity with new book

Dona Bertarelli supports Womanity with her new book “J’ai osé” It is with great honour that the Womanity Foundation announces the release of the book relating the incredible maritime adventure of her godmother, Dona Bertarelli, who has participated in one of the most difficult and gruelling of sailing challenges: the Jules Verne Trophy. Entitled J’ai osé The log […]
The power of “Catalytic philanthropy”: From individual empowerment to systemic change

Research has repeatedly demonstrated that empowering girls and women significantly accelerates progress in developing economies, and that by nurturing women’s education, entrepreneurial spirit and leadership, whole communities thrive. So how can philanthropy and the socio-economic development sector invest in women in a meaningful manner, one that will bring about positive systemic change? At The Womanity […]
Womanity In New York City

To celebrate its 10th anniversary the Womanity Foundation brought together a community of friends, partners and potential partners in New York City. On 15th June, Womanity hosted an evening reception at Le Cirque, East 58th Street, New York to both celebrate 10 years of the foundation and to stimulate a debate with the panel discussion […]
When a man loves a woman

One in three women will experience violence in her lifetime. So much time, talent, and effort have been committed to changing this terrible statistic, to recognizing the life and humanity in each one of those women. Sustainable change is dependent on reshaping our global culture in a way that teaches men individually to respect women […]