Womanity Award 4 project Fla Sim pa Mudjer was officially launched in Cape Verde

The “Fla Sim pa Mudjer (Say Yes to Women, in English): Women together in the prevention of violence in Cape Verde” project in Cape Verde, Africa, was officially launched on 20 May 2022. The initiative, which won Womanity Foundation’s fourth Womanity Award, is the first step in a three-year international partnership between Themis Gender Justice […]
Balance for Better: Laura Somoggi

“We find organisations that have implemented innovative projects that tackle gender-based violence” As part of our International Women’s Day blog series, we have interviewed some of the brilliant people that make our work at Womanity possible. In this interview, we hear from Programme Manager Laura Somoggi, on what she enjoys most about her work, and […]
WOW Festival Brazil delivers the WOW Factor

A woman is murdered every 2 hours in Brazil. This was just one of the many shocking facts I learned at this year’s WOW (Women of the World) Festival In Brazil. The 3 day event took place between 16 – 18 November and was WOW’s first festival in Latin America. First launched in 2010, WOW […]
Tips for Women Online Activists

“To build your movement: grow awareness, increase knowledge and co-create tools” As winners of the second Womanity Award with Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Mexican based Luchadoras and Sandía Digital are coordinating a new entity called Siemprevivas [“Always Alive”], the new name for the localization of the Take Back The Tech! campaign in Mexico. Siemprevivas […]
Women's Day – Bold For Change

Celebrate with us The International Women’s Day! We are Bold For Change In the past 11 years, Womanity has developed innovative approaches that empower women and girls to become active contributors of their society. Investing in women helps them to attain their own – often neglected – legitimate human rights and effectively produces positive ripple […]
Servane Mouazan Women's Day

Women’s Day: Servane Mouazan, women’s advocate Servane is closely supporting the Womanity Award winners Abaad, Promundo, Luchadoras and APC, in their efforts to prevent violence against women. Womanity: Who are you Servane and how did you come to collaborate with Womanity? Servane Mouazan: I am a social entrepreneur, an enthused women’s advocate and social justice […]
Film: Gender equality in the Middle-East

How to change gender stereotypes Programme Ra discusses gender with young men living in Lebanon – including host and refugee communities. In this new film, produced by Abaad, we learn about the genesis of this curriculum that transforms gender stereotypes, and how the teams adapted it for the Middle East context. “Programme Ra” – named after Rajol, […]
Combatting Online Violence Against Women – Webinar

As part of a joint campaign with Wikigender organised for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (2016), Womanity co-hosted an online discussion on ”Combatting online violence against women and girls”. The online discussion concluded with a lively and informative webinar, which you can enjoy below, about the topic. Guests speakers: Sara Baker from APC (Take Back the […]
Love, Acceptance, and Support on the Path to Gender Equality in Lebanon

Estephan “Tino” Bechara is a young man working with the Red Cross in Lebanon as a Youth and Health Trainer. He participated in the first validation workshop of Programme Ra with other young men. In July 2016, Lebanese NGO ABAAD–Resource Center for Gender Equality and Promundo launched Programme Ra in Beirut with support from the Womanity Foundation’s first-ever Womanity Award. The program, […]
Champions of Programme RA: Working with young men in Lebanon

In July 2016, Lebanese NGO ABAAD–Resource Center for Gender Equality and Promundo launched Programme Ra in Beirut with support from the Womanity Foundation’s first-ever Womanity Award. The program, adapted from Promundo’s flagship Program H, encourages men and boys to challenge gender-based stereotypes, question traditional ideas of manhood, and contribute to ending all forms of gender-based […]