About the Womanity Award

First launched in 2014, the Womanity Award works to surface innovative solutions to prevent violence against women and girls (VAWG) from around the world. It focuses on the power of collaboration to address the root cause of VAWG.

Approximately every two years, we select a pair of organisations in the Global South who then work together for three years.

One of these is the Innovation Partner (IP) who has an innovative evidence-based approach to prevent violence against women and girls. We support them to help them increase their reach by adapting their programme in partnership with another organisation.

The other organisation is the Scale-Up Partner (SP) who receives support to adapt and deliver the tried-and-tested innovation in their own location. Both organisations share knowledge and learn from each other through a partnership based upon balanced power and mutual respect.

We have launched three rounds of the Womanity Award to date. Each of them have focused on a different theme related to violence against women and girls. These have included engaging men and boys, online violence and women’s safety in public spaces.

This fourth edition is focused on prevention of domestic violence against women and girls (scroll down to read more).

Womanity Award 4 – Focus on Domestic Violence

In this fourth round of the Womanity Award we want to find innovative programmes to prevent domestic violence against women and girls.

Violence against women and girls is one of the most prevalent and systemic human rights violations in the world. Women and girls are subject to different forms of violence from family members across their lives, with widespread experiences of abuse during childhood, adolescence and adulthood…



The pair of organisations should apply together: they choose with whom they want to work, which programme they want to adapt and in which country (in the Global South).

The selection process is long (starts in November 2020 and finishes in October 2021). It can be time consuming for finalists, but they will have their time remunerated and will have an opportunity for great learning during the Mentoring phase. See the details of the process here

We support small, emerging partners and willingly take risks and fund innovative programmes. But they have to be registered organisations in their countries.

We look for equal partnerships that strive for balanced power between the organisations planning to work together.



‘Scale up innovation through adaptation’, a model specifically designed to leverage strong, pre-existing ideas to end VAWG, rather than spend time and resources reinventing the wheel.


Act as a catalyst and accelerate the dissemination of learning, of promising practices and of impactful models addressing VAWG across different geographies and help to build transnational collaborations.


Strengthen institutional capacity of both partner organisations and exchange knowledge with Womanity, the partner organisations and the field.

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